@article{oai:twcu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017317, author = {古崎, 愛子}, journal = {東京女子大学比較文化研究所紀要}, month = {}, note = {This research was conducted as a part of an aging study of women in an aging society their cultural background and"Happiness". Recently the aging society has become a social problem in many countries of the world and has begun to be studied from various points of view. In Japan we had already entered into the aging society in 1970,and we can now predict that an aging society will be accelerated in the 21st century. Under our current pension system, one in seven adults cares for a senior citizen. In 30 years later, it is expected that one in 2.7 will be caring for a senior citizen.In Japan,we are discussing what are most required for an old person in order that he/she live life comfortably and pleasantly. According to recent reports issued by these who are dealing with the elderly, the four most important factors necessary for an affluent retired life are (1) to be healthy (2) to maintain friendly relationships with members of the family and the community (3) to be economically independent (4) to live independently. Taking these current problems into account we have begun to study the problems of an aging society from a woman's point of view. This reseach is focusing particularly on the differences in self-autonomy that exist between culture, social structure and the family system of Japan and U.S. of America.This paper examines the results obtained from the responses to a questionnaire given to Japanese and Americans elderly.}, pages = {65--88}, title = {高齢女性の自立志向 : 日米比較試論}, volume = {56}, year = {1995} }