@article{oai:twcu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020130, author = {池松, 玲子}, journal = {東京女子大学社会学年報}, month = {Mar}, note = {高度経済成長期には,性別役割分業を元に主婦は戦後の女性の一般的なライフスタイルとして定着したが,1970 年代に第二波フェミニズムの影響が広がるにつれ,生き難さを感じる女性たちによって主婦という生き方が問題として捉えられるようになった.本稿では,高度経済成長期に実際に主婦として生き,育児終了期からは投稿誌『わいふ』を発行して,主婦に自由な言論空間を提供する活動を実践してきた田中喜美子および和田好子に着目し,両名のライフヒストリーの分析を通して,主婦という生き方に疑問をもち始めた女性たちについて考察した. 両名は高学歴で余裕のある層の主婦だったが,育児終了期には各々が主婦という生き方に不満と葛藤を抱いていた.その原因は,和田にとっては育児による自立的な生き方の喪失であり,田中の場合は恵まれた環境にある主婦の相対的剥奪として生じたアイデンティティの揺らぎだった.両名が抱いた類の主婦の問題は,その後に続く世代の女性たちにさらに顕著になっていった.それにつれて主婦として生きる女性の生き難さが女性の問題として社会に認識されていき,その生き難さへの気づきが重要な画期を作っていった.両名はそうした画期を作った女性たちの先駆けといえる存在だった., The gendered division of social roles became highly institutionalized in society generally during the great economic growth period that occurred in post-war Japan, and being a “housewife” became a fairly common lifestyle among women. However, many women began to feel uncomfortable with their roles during the second-wave of feminism that gradually influenced Japanese society in the early 1970s, and the housewife lifestyle was seen as problematic, as was the case in other societies. In this study, the life histories of two women, Kimiko Tanaka and Yoshiko Wada, were examined; they lived as housewives from the 1950s through the 1970s, and later became very active as editors of the contribution magazine “Waihu (Wife)”. This study considered how these pioneer women questioned their own lifestyle against the social background of the time. Waihu is a rare medium in which Japanese housewives freely discuss various matters of concern to this day. Although Tanaka and Wada lived comfortably while their children were growing up, they felt dissatisfied with, and experienced inner conflicts about, their role as housewives. Wada gave up her economic independence for child rearing, and Tanaka’s self-identity vacillated due to relative deprivation when she compared her life with similarly highly educated and able women around her. Such difficulties were even more salient for women of the next generation. Wada and Tanaka contributed greatly to social awareness of the “housewife problem”, an epoch-making development in post-war Japanese women’s history.}, pages = {19--35}, title = {主婦を問い始めた女性たち:田中喜美子および和田好子のライフヒストリー}, volume = {5}, year = {2017} }