@article{oai:twcu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024809, author = {今井, 宏}, issue = {2}, journal = {東京女子大學論集}, month = {Oct}, note = {Since the 17th century revolution in England is called as the "Puritan" revolution, it is generally supposed that the revolution started as the conflicts in religious matters. The factors leading into the catastroph, however, did not exist only in religious side. This paper makes an attempt to draw an attention into the programmes for church reform proposed in the Long Parliament, and to consider the activities and the policies a considerable of the Erastians, who had the wide good support in the parliament. In the first stage of the revolution, its main course seemed to be determined not by the Puritan group, but the Erastians. The latter, which had succeeded the medieval constitutionalism as the political weapon, made use of the church reform for their own tactic, and contributed to establish the principle of the supremacy of parliament.}, pages = {57--78}, title = {長期議会における教会改革の問題}, volume = {10}, year = {1959} }